Wednesday, January 19, 2011


In turbulent economic and political times, we are constantly under fire from media on both sides attempting to influence our opinions.  Each side claims that they are right and that the other is a bunch of America hating radicals.
So here is my idea:  Lets cut the crap and have a real discussion of politics.  When it comes right down to it we all want what is best for our country.  Whether Democrats or Republicans, at the end of the day we need to be able to cross party lines to do what is right for the country and for the people of it.
I will be honest, I am a registered Republican.  However, I am displeased in the direction(s) of the party and the country in general.  This blog will be my attempt to cut through the political nonsense and foster conversation about the issues.  I want to include people of all political persuasions in this discourse and have no intent to alienate any group or faction.
I am going to keep this as updated as necessary, especially with all of the interesting happenings within our government and financial markets today.
Welcome to a real, honest discussion of politics and economics!